Web Pages That Suck -- News I think *doesn't* suck
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  Friday, June 14, 2002

Macromedia Flash Search Engine SDK
An important announcement, if only to silence the 'You can't search Flash content!' nay-sayers. [Flash Blog]
8:53:44 AM    comment []

Flash Cookie Exploit
Lots of info around on this newly discovered exploit - for a comprehensive technical description head on over to Eye on Security. Sounds pretty easy.
8:52:43 AM    comment []

  Saturday, June 08, 2002

Site-accessibility tips for Section 508 compliance. CNET Jun 7 2002 10:14PM ET
5:41:22 PM    comment []

Misused Homonyms Revisited. "You know, the kind of spelling error that no spell checker will ever catch because it´s still a good word, but just wrong. These errors make a web page look illiterate."
5:40:55 PM    comment []

Webmastery 101 Basic Skill Set. "What did you wish you knew starting out?"
5:40:35 PM    comment []

  Thursday, May 30, 2002

Photoshop out the...

If you're looking for Photoshop tutorials, the Photoshop Roadmap has something like 500 of them. The site has a collection of plug-ins, links, etc.

7:10:10 PM    comment []

Record Store: Your First Web Application in Dreamweaver MX by Matt Brown; re: ColdFusion, Dreamweaver. [Macromedia - Designer Developer Center]
3:21:24 PM    comment []

Ready, Set, Go: Usability Testing by Leanne Waldal and Elizabeth McLachlan; re: Authorware, ColdFusion, Director, Dreamweaver, Dreamweaver UltraDev, Fireworks, FreeHand, HomeSite, JRun, Macromedia Flash, Macromedia Flash Player, Shockwave Player, Sitespring. [Macromedia - Designer Developer Center]
3:21:12 PM    comment []

Start Now: Develop with Users by Jared Braiterman, Ph.D.; re: Authorware, ColdFusion, Director, Dreamweaver, Dreamweaver UltraDev, Fireworks, FreeHand, HomeSite, JRun, Macromedia Flash, Macromedia Flash Player, Shockwave Player, Sitespring. [Macromedia - Designer Developer Center]
3:20:58 PM    comment []

Using Macromedia Flash MX to Create a Fireworks MX Command by Steve Grosvenor; re: Fireworks, Macromedia Flash. [Macromedia - Designer Developer Center]
3:20:44 PM    comment []

Consistent Web Design with Dreamweaver MX Templates by Mark Fletcher; re: Dreamweaver. [Macromedia - Designer Developer Center]
3:20:31 PM    comment []

Creating and Consuming ColdFusion Components and Web Services with Dreamweaver MX by Matt Brown; re: ColdFusion, Dreamweaver, Dreamweaver UltraDev. [Macromedia - Designer Developer Center]
3:20:21 PM    comment []

Macromedia Flash Remoting Slide Show by Tom Link; re: ColdFusion, Macromedia Flash, Macromedia Flash Player. [Macromedia - Designer Developer Center]
3:20:08 PM    comment []

Creating a Web Service Application Using Dreamweaver MX by George Fox; re: ColdFusion, Dreamweaver. [Macromedia - Designer Developer Center]
3:19:56 PM    comment []

Dreamweaver MX custom tags for ASP.NET by Russ Helfand and John Albano; re: Dreamweaver. [Macromedia - Designer Developer Center]
3:19:46 PM    comment []

Customizing Dreamweaver MX by Jed Hartman; re: Dreamweaver. [Macromedia - Designer Developer Center]
3:19:34 PM    comment []

ColdFusion MX Training Tutorials for Dreamweaver MX Users by Mark Fletcher; re: ColdFusion, Dreamweaver. [Macromedia - Designer Developer Center]
3:19:22 PM    comment []

Macromedia Dreamweaver MX Keyboard Shortcuts by Jennifer Rowe; re: Dreamweaver. [Macromedia - Designer Developer Center]
3:19:08 PM    comment []

Tip of the Week: Nesting Templates in Dreamweaver MX by George Jardin; re: Dreamweaver. [Macromedia - Designer Developer Center]
3:18:49 PM    comment []

Logged In: Designer & Developer Center Usability and User Survey by Craig Goodman; re: Authorware, ColdFusion, Director, Dreamweaver, Dreamweaver UltraDev, Fireworks, FreeHand, HomeSite, JRun, Macromedia Flash, Macromedia Flash Player, Shockwave Player, Sitespring. [Macromedia - Designer Developer Center]
3:18:36 PM    comment []

JD's Forum: Finding What You Need in the Designer & Developer Center? by John Dowdell; re: Authorware, ColdFusion, Director, Dreamweaver, Dreamweaver UltraDev, Fireworks, FreeHand, HomeSite, JRun, Macromedia Flash, Macromedia Flash Player, Shockwave Player, Sitespring. [Macromedia - Designer Developer Center]
3:18:15 PM    comment []

Macromedia MX Featured Community Site by Mike Chambers; re: Macromedia Flash, Macromedia Flash Player. [Macromedia - Designer Developer Center]
3:17:57 PM    comment []

Using SSL with the Built-in Macromedia ColdFusion MX Web Server by Macromedia; re: ColdFusion. [Macromedia - Designer Developer Center]
3:17:38 PM    comment []

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Last update: 6/14/2002; 7:33:05 PM.

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